
About Registration 注册指南

I.Registration Fee (in USD or CNY)

Identity 注册身份 Categories 注册项 Rate 价格
Presentation & Publication
US $520 / CNY3750
Presentation Only
US $350 / CNY2500
Listeners 听众参会 US $250 / CNY1800
Listeners (Onsite Registration)
US $300 / CNY2200
Students / IEEE Members
Presentation & Publication
US $500 / CNY 3600
Presentation Only
US $350 / CNY 2500
Listeners 听众参会 US $200 / CNY1450
Listeners (Onsite Registration)
US $250 / CNY1800
Additional Papers
US $320 / CNY2300
Extra Page
US $60 / CNY400 / Page
Extra Proceedings
US$ 60 / CNY400
Social Program(Optional)
US$ 70 / CNY500


II.Registration Type
1. Presentation & Publication (Authos): For full paper submission
2. Presentation only (Presenters): For abstract submission
3. Listeners: For attendance only, no presentation nor paper publication


III. Payment methods:
1. PayPal (30usd more service charge): contact conference secretary to access
2. Bank Transfer (30usd more service charge) : contact conference secretary to access


IV. Notice
* Student rates are given to the students presenters with requirement to show their student card(s).
* The minimum page limit for all manuscripts is 5 pages, and the maximum page limit is 10 pages. When it exceeds 6 pages, each additional page will be chargeable. These limits include all figures, tables, and references.
* Registrations accompanying accepted papers must be received before the deadline and are non-refundable. If you register late, your paper may not be published on time.
* Onsite registration is only applicable to audience.
* For paypal and bank transfer account, please contact us at
Registration and payment should be made through conference official channel which indicated in your acceptance letter, if you are not clear about it, please consult the conference secretary via email address firstly.
After your successful registration, organizing committee or conference secretary will not ask for your credit card information in any form for room reservation or tickets.Be careful when anyone asks for it.


V.Cancellation Policy

Every participant should finish the registration before he can attend the conference. If a registrant is unable to attend an event for any reason, they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else of co-authors or from the same institute/organization.
Written requests for cancellations must be sent to the IFSMM Conference Secretary by January 15, 2025, and 30USD bank service charge will incur. Cancellations received after February 16, 2025 but before March 16, 2025, 30% processing fee is required.

Cancellations after  March 16, 2025 but before April 16, 2025, 50% processing fee is required.

Cancellations after April 16, 2025, will NOT be dismissed and registration fees will not be refund.
Personal Reasonn
The IFSMM cannot refund or pay any compensation where could not attend the conference is prevented by reason of circumstances which amount to “personal reason”. Such as travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, financial default etc.
Force Majeure
The IFSMM  cannot accept responsibility, refund or pay any compensation where the performance of the conference is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to “force majeure”.
Circumstances amounting to “force majeure” include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic and all similar situations beyond our control.
Conference Date and Place Statement
The organizer has the right to change the date and place of the conference under the reason of amount to “force majeure” circumstances. The participants of the conference are obliged to cooperate with the organizer's change and refund policy.